Today, authorities reportedly raided Sean Kingston’s Florida property in connection with a lawsuit. Ver Ver Entertainment LLC filed the lawsuit in February this year.

They accuse the performance of breach of contract and fraud. He allegedly approached the company last year to purchase an entertainment system valued at approximately $150,000. To reduce the price, Kingston supposedly agreed to promote the product in a video with Justin Bieber but never followed through on his half of the bargain.

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“He likes having bling, he likes showing off, and he’s a showman,” says attorney Dennis Card. “My customer has a $150,000 television sound system, almost $1 million in watches, and a $80,000 handmade bed that was purchased. This is an orchestrated, systematic deception.”

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At the time of writing, it is unknown whether Kingston was there during the raid, although his 61-year-old mother Janice Turner was. She was arrested at the scene on several counts of fraud and theft. The company suing Kingston says the musician had no intention of creating a promotional film for their product. “He’s 100 percent a scammer, he’s on felony probation right now for trafficking in stolen property, he’s got judgments against him for procuring more than $1 million in watches without paying for them,” Card claims. “This is just an ongoing pattern for Sean.”
