The future video gateway intended to connect New York City and Dublin has been taken down due to some disturbing behavior.

This is why we cannot have nice things.

If you’ve been on the internet recently, you’ve probably seen footage of the real-time gateway in use.

The ‘portal’, designed by Lithuanian artist Benediktas Gylys, was intended to be a ‘request to meet people above borders and divisions and to experience our planet as it really is – unified and one’.

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We’ve seen some kind people use the gateway as intended, waving and taking photos with others halfway around the world, but there have also been some much more nasty scenes.

Videos from New York show people in Dublin utilizing the gateway to broadcast footage of the 9/11 catastrophe to others over the pond, as well as pulling their pants down to show them a full moon, which has nothing to do with the time difference.

It wasn’t just the Irish who misbehaved on the gateway; another video showed a woman claiming to be an OnlyFans model pulling up her blouse in front of the camera, broadcasting her breasts around the world.

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As a result of the commotion, one of the portal’s organizers, the Flatiron NoMad Partnership, told the New York Post that the portal has been taken down so that staff members may work on a solution to halt the negative behavior.

“Instances of inappropriate behavior have come from a very small minority of Portal visitors and have been amplified on social media,” they stated.

“In New York, we have had a set of protocols in place since the Portal’s inception, including 24-hour on-site security and barriers to prohibit anyone from entering the Portal.

“The Portals team and our partners in Dublin are working on additional solutions to limit such behavior appearing on the livestream.”

A source familiar with the idea told the publication that organizers in Dublin will be encouraged to install barricades to keep people from getting too close.

They also stated that organizers may consider blocking the portal at night to reduce obscene conduct when it reopens.

Though there are a few people who clearly can’t stop tampering with the portal, the Flatiron NoMad Partnership has stated that the portal has also brought a lot of joy, garnering tens of thousands of visitors since its installation.

“The overwhelming majority of visitors to the Portal have behaved appropriately and experienced the sense of joy and connectedness that this work of public art invites people to have,” the organization stated.

Let’s hope folks learn to play nice with the portal when it reopens!
