Next month, Google will update the language in some child and teen advertising rules, including:

Ads and content aimed at children.
Advocating for kid protection.
Ad-serving teen protection.

While there will be no changes to enforcement, the search engine is changing policy language to bring more clarity and transparency to businesses and advertisers.

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Clarifying advertising policy is critical for brands to avoid unintended rule and regulation infractions. This is especially crucial because violations of these standards can result in significant financial fines. Brands can shield themselves from potential legal and financial implications by thoroughly knowing and following to advertising guidelines.

Ads and content aimed at children. To coincide with its Ad-serving protections for children policy, Google is restructuring and clarifying the language under the restricted categories and forbidden material area.

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Advocating for kid protection. Google is adding a new post to the Google Ads help center to make it easier to access and understand its existing kid ad restrictions.

Ad-serving teen protection. Google is updating the phrasing to make it clearer and more consistent with its other rules.

Following an Adalytics research in August that accused Google of improperly tracking children for targeted advertising, the search engine is taking efforts to clarify its child and teen advertising policy. According to the findings, brands employing the PMax product may have inadvertently broken the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Despite the complaints, Google denied any wrongdoing, blaming the worries on “confusion about brand safety controls and reporting supported in PMax” – issues that it appears to be resolving now.


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