Due to a plea agreement he made with the federal government in his criminal case, Doc Antle might spend time in jail after admitting to skulking about animals and planning to launder money.
The “Tiger King” actor entered a guilty plea on Monday to one count of trafficking in wildlife and another count of conspiring to launder money. The maximum sentences for both counts are five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and three years of supervised release.
What the judge will finally sentence him to is still up in the air; to that end, Hizzoner will examine a report from the U.S. Probation Office.

As we previously reported, the FBI investigators’ bust of Antle after he was indicted last summer is the reason for this whole situation. According to the indictment, Doc participated in a complex, multi-year wildlife trafficking enterprise.
To keep a long tale short, authorities said that Doc hid money transfers associated with animal trafficking and made money from it over time.
Prosecutors said that among other things, Doc had ordered the sales of cheetah, lion, tiger, and chimpanzee pups; he also reportedly used bulk payments to conceal the transactions and falsify documentation. In an attempt to make these sales appear like donations, the feds also said he attempted to use his organization in these transactions.
Recall that during his ‘Tiger King’ popularity, Doc operated an animal sanctuary in South Carolina, thus it’s probable that some of the animals listed here were included in his tourist attraction.
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