For as long as scientists have been conducting research, the formation of planets has fascinated and perplexed them. However, the recent finding of ancient stuff deep below the Earth may help us comprehend how the Moon came to be.
Our solar system has long been a source of mystery, but it now appears that the solution has been lying beneath us.

Seismologists found two continent-sized ‘basal mantle anomalies’ under the Pacific and Africa. To you and I, they are blobs beneath the surface of the Earth.
We may now have a clear notion of how they got there since they are denser than the surrounding material, which shows they are composed of a different material than the rest of the Earth’s mantle.
The Moon may have formed as a result of a planet named Theia colliding with Earth 4.5 billion years ago, according to researches.
Eleven authors presented data in a speculative essay published in Nature that suggests the distinct mantle within our planet may have been part of an old planet that collided with Earth, generating the Moon from its fragments that fell to Earth.
The researchers hypothesize that the abnormalities in the Earth’s mantle could be buried relics of Theia mantle material that has been preserved deep under the Earth for billions of years following the impact that formed the Moon by observing the anomalies and comparing them to the matter surrounding them.
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Using giant-impact simulations, the research team demonstrated the possibility that a portion of Theia’s mantle may have seeped into the lower mantle of proto-Earth.
Given that the Moon is more iron-rich than Earth, they could determine that Theia would have had a larger density.

This indicates that the hypothesis that Theia previously collided with Earth to form our Moon is supported if samples are found that match the density and composition of Theia within the Earth.
The team stated that the stuff found on Theia would “be a natural consequence of the Moon-forming giant impact” because it was found deep within Earth.
“Similar mantle heterogeneities caused by impacts may also exist in the interiors of other planetary bodies,” the study’s authors concluded, “because giant impacts are common at the end stages of planet accretion.”
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Since we already know that the Moon is capable of producing vegetables, any additional information is currently merely a bonus.

The recent disclosures have left those of us without PhDs in astrophysics perplexed.
An admirer remarked, “The Earth resembles a lava lamp in certain ways.” However, it takes a very long time for the blobs to move.
“I watched a documentary once about what’s below Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, and they said something like that’s similar to a lava lamp.”
One more person concluded that this would make for a really cheesy movie scenario and said, “This sounds like the plot to a bad scifi movie.”
Act 2 opens with the dig site breaching into what is thought to be a cave containing a portion of Theia, only to have ferocious Theians emerge.
Even though the Moon is currently steadily slipping away from us, it’s still really cool.
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