Golden Hawn says an alien touched her and told her it felt like the “finger of God.”
These are the Butterflies There was a strange claim made by Free actor on Apple Fitness+’s radio show Time to Walk.
She talked about how she had always wanted to meet an alien and finally got her wish.
The 77-year-old woman talked about how she finally met some aliens when she was in her 20s and lived in California, a state with a lot of “UFO sightings.”

“I went outside my door, sat on the little ledge, and looked up at the dark sky,” she said.
“I saw a lot of stars.” And all I could think was, “Are we the only living things on Earth in the whole universe?”
She also said, “Earth is not alone, and I would like to meet you one day” to any aliens that might be out there.
It looks like this worked.

After four months, Hawn said she started hearing a “high frequency” noise in her ear.
READ MORE: Under Oath, A UFO Whistleblower Claims That ‘Non-Human’ Beings Were Recovered From Crashes
Then she said she saw things that looked like triangles and had “a slash for a mouth,” “a tiny little nose,” and “no ears.”
“The aliens pointed at me…” “They talked about me like I was a subject,” she remembered.
Then Hawn says she was “unable to move” while the aliens talked to her.

“When they touched me, it felt like God’s finger.” It was the nicest, most caring feeling. This was strong. “It was bright,” she said.
Hmm…that’s strange.
In the same breath, Hawn’s daughter Kate Hudson has said that the mother and daughter can sense ghosts.
She said this on the Chatty Man Show to promote her movie Wish I Was Here: “It’s not really seeing, it’s feeling a spirit.” A fifth force.
“I believe in power. I think our minds can turn into visual things.”

Then she told Alan Carr, the host, how to get rid of an unwanted spirit in your area.
She said, “When you see something, you should tell the energy what year it is and that they don’t belong there.”
I wish this worked with ex-partners. Do I have it right?
There was even a time when she saw a ghost with no face.
“That was really creepy,” she said.
Okay, Kate!
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