Back in August, Netflix revealed that it would continue to expand its gaming arena, which was launched with the launching of mobile games in 2021, by experimenting bringing games to any device where users watch Netflix, including TVs and PCs.
That plan is now getting closer to becoming a reality.

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The firm announced during the summer that it was “rolling out a limited beta test to a small number of members in Canada and the UK on select TVs starting today, and on PCs and Macs through on supported browsers in the coming weeks.” This initial test will include two games: Oxenfree from Night School Studio, a Netflix Game Studio, and Molehew’s Mining Adventure, a gem-mining arcade game,” which can be played on a TV with a phone or on a PC with a keyboard and mouse.

According to the Verge, an update was added today noting that this “limited beta test” is beginning to roll out in the United States. There was no more material added to the original post, although it may be interpreted as promising that the test is now spreading nationwide after receiving input from users in Canada and the United Kingdom for a few months. “Games on TV will operate on select devices from our initial partners, including: Amazon Fire TV Streaming Media Players, Chromecast with Google TV, LG TVs, Nvidia Shield TV, Roku devices and TVs, Samsung Smart TVs, and Walmart ONN,” according to the company. More gadgets will be added on a regular basis.”
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