Shoppable commercials are starting to make an impression on smart TV audiences, with 55% recalling seeing them and 50% confessing to interacting with them in a recent poll sample.
The findings are based on a study of 1,000 adult smart TV owners done by Samsung Ads and its partner, the AI-powered interactive video platform Kerv. In addition to interacting with shoppable advertising, nearly half of those polled claimed they shopped on another device while watching TV, with another 28% browsing online for an item seen on TV.
Why do we care? The gaps in the digital buying experience are gradually being filled in. There was a time (not so long ago) when purchasing a product viewed on mobile social media required visiting the seller’s website and browsing a catalog. Deep connections to the correct product page are now available, as is in-app purchase, which is becoming more common.
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Television, or at least smart TV (TV with an internet connection), is following suit, with purchases able to be triggered within the ad itself, most commonly by scanning a QR code.
More information. In addition, the poll found:
51% indicated they had scanned QR codes to find out more about a product.
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26% reported scanning QR codes to make a transaction.
Smartphones continue to dominate digital commerce, with 82% of respondents stating they buy from shoppable advertisements on mobile devices.
A sizable 52% have made purchases after seeing shoppable TV commercials.
The most popular things purchased through shoppable advertisements were clothing, electronics, food, and meal delivery.
The future of connectivity. Respondents were asked which other connected devices they would like to utilize to make purchases via shoppable advertisements in the study. They chose vehicles (19%), refrigerators (14%), and washers/dryers (12%) in that order.
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