Drake and The Weeknd’s voices were mash-upped by an unidentified ghostwriter, who submitted the song for Grammy nomination.
Earlier this year, the song “Heart on My Sleeve” went viral on the internet. The track was neither sanctioned or influenced by Drake or The Weeknd, which is the sole issue. Although it was swiftly taken down from streaming sites like Spotify and Apple Music, re-uploads of this mash-up are still being made on YouTube, as reported by Digital Music News.
Right now According to the New York Times, the ghostwriter discussed the song with industry people. The article provides information on how the project’s creators have met with record labels, tech executives, music platforms, and musicians in the months since to discuss how to best use artificial intelligence. Among these was a virtual roundtable discussion that the Recording Academy hosted.
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Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr. told The New York Times, “I knew right away as soon as I heard that record that it was going to be something that we had to grapple with from an Academy standpoint, but also from a music community and industry standpoint.” Mason says that after the song dropped, he got in touch with the ghostwriter directly on social media.
“Heart on My Sleeve” has been nominated by the Ghostwriter team for two Grammy Awards: Song of the Year and Best Rap Song. Is the song eligible, though? Mason says the answer is yes. It was written by people.

Mason states, “It’s definitely eligible on the creative side because it was written by a human.” The track must, however, be commercially available for “general distribution” in order to qualify. Since the recording is an unlicensed copy of two well-known voices and was taken down from DSPs right away at the request of the major labels who represent the artists, it’s not obvious if it would qualify under those criteria.
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