R. Kelly has been imprisoned for quite some time, but his legal difficulties have continued with the garnishment of his vast revenues in order to provide the victims of his sex abuse offenses with the reparation that they have requested in court.
According to Variety, US District Judge Ann Donnelly signed an order requiring Kelly and his company, Universal Music Group, to pay over $500,000 in royalties. The decree, signed on Wednesday (August 23), previously asked that the “Ignition” singer turn up $28,000 from his jail canteen.
Variety’s request for comment was turned down by both Universal Music Group and Kelly’s team.
RELATED: R. Kelly Sentenced To 30 Years In Prison For Sex Trafficking & Racketeering
Prosecutors in Brooklyn, New York, filed a writ of continued garnishment last month, which is what creditors (in this case, the government acting on behalf of R. Kelly’s victims) use to collect money owed in a judgment against debtors (R. Kelly’s record companies).

“As of June 1, 2023, the outstanding balance on the aforementioned judgment is $504,289.73, including interest.” “Interest is still accruing,” according to the documents filed against Kelly’s label, Sony Music Entertainment.
The courts issued a writ of continued garnishment against R. Kelly’s label because it is “in possession of property” belonging to the disgraced artist that can be used to reduce down, if not completely eradicate, the debt.
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Heather Williams was granted access to the disgraced singer’s label fund in March, which was reportedly valued at $1.5 million in 2020, according to Billboard, before Midwest Commercial Funding, a property manager that won its own separate $3.5 million ruling against Kelly over unpaid rent on a Chicago studio.
After initiating a legal complaint against Kelly the year before, Williams obtained a $4 million judgment against him in 2020. She said that when she was 16, the “Ignition” hitmaker enticed her to his studio with the promise of appearing in a music video, and then had sex with her many times while she was a minor.
The state high court’s decision on Thursday backed a lower court’s decision that Williams — not Midwest Commercial — should be allowed priority access to the royalties because she was the first to legally file a demand for the money.

In February, a Chicago court sentenced R. Kelly to two decades in prison for his federal sexual assault case.
The judge determined that all but one year of the 30-year sentence he’s now serving in New York for racketeering and sex trafficking would be served concurrently at the sentencing on February 22.
A grand jury eventually convicted the Chicago native guilty on six of the 13 federal offenses brought against him, including three child pornography convictions for sexually abusing four girls, three of whom were minors.

Kelly was also found guilty of recording three movies of himself sexually assaulting his 14-year-old goddaughter, which resulted in three more charges for making sex tapes with a minor.
The decision comes only days after a slew of pending sex assault allegations against R. Kelly were dismissed in Cook County, Illinois. In 2019, the singer was charged with ten charges of serious criminal sexual abuse involving four alleged victims, three of whom were minors.
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