take week, it was revealed that YNW Melly’s double murder trial will likely take at least another month.
The 23-year-old has been imprisoned on suspicion of murdering his two friends, YNW Juvy and YNW SakChaser, in 2018. Despite this, he has steadfastly maintained his innocence. Melly’s trial has been full of ups and downs. At this point, it is unclear whether the embattled artist will be released or face the death penalty for his alleged crimes.
According to Vibe, the internet is still speculating on what will happen to the Florida native. Of course, some people’s discourse completely disregards taste. For example, @betonline_ag is giving away a $100 free play to one lucky winner who comments on a recent Instagram post about whether Melly is guilty or not. “Bet on @ynwmelly’s trial at the link in @BetOnline_ag’s bio and receive a sign-up bonus of up to $1,000,” the company added.
RELATED: YNW Melly Update: Judge Orders Undercover Detective To Remove Ski Mask During Testimony
Are you guilty or innocent?

As expected, the comment area has been flooded with responses, with some claiming Melly is to blame for his friends’ deaths and others side with the “Murder on my Mind” hitmaker. On Sunday (July 9), one individual commented, “No way you all got odds for bro freedom.” “He literally made a song admitting it,” said another.
Melly’s streaming numbers have consistently increased since his trial began in June, according to Bryson “Boom” Paul. This week saw a 1.2% increase, with 143,445 new monthly listeners. While still impressive, it is the accused killer’s lowest increase in recent memory.
Melly’s YNW Streaming Numbers Continue Climbing
RELATED: Today, YNW Melly Wins A Minor Victory In Court
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