Dr. Phil has defended his controversial interview with Shelley Duvall in 2016, saying he had “no regrets.”
Duvall was most known for her roles in The Shining, Popeye, and Annie Hall, but she faded from view after the early 2000s.
Dr. Phil interviewed her on his show in 2016, and it was clear that the 67-year-old actor was dealing with mental health issues.
During the conversation, Duvall, who had become a recluse in her later years, expressed her delusional notions, such as the belief that she was being pursued by “the sheriff of Nottingham.”
Perhaps more concerning was Duvall’s conviction that her Popeye co-star Robin Williams was still alive.
When Dr. Phil inquired about Williams, who committed suicide in 2014, Duvall said, “Shapeshifting.” He looks excellent in some outfits, but not in others.
“I have [seen him].”

Many people condemned Dr. Phil at the time of the interview, believing that he exploited a vulnerable woman for ratings.
Six years later, Dr. Phil insists that he has no regrets about interviewing the former Hollywood star.
During an interview with CNN, Dr. Phil stated, “Oh, I don’t regret what I did. What I regret is that it was promoted in a way that many people believed was inappropriate.
“There are parts of that story I haven’t discussed and won’t discuss in detail, but I can say that we worked with her family.”
“And the people who were critical of it, nobody ever asked them what they ever did to try and help her, and the answer is not a damn thing,” the TV host said, addressing his detractors.
Duvall is seen being transported to a treatment center in the episode, but she leaves after three days.
“Shelley still refused to take any medications, and she would not sign the paperwork required to treat her,” Dr Phil explained at the time.
“She was accompanied by trained professionals and returned safely to her family and boyfriend at home.”
Mia Farrow slammed Dr. Phil’s participation of Duvall on the show, calling him a ‘talk show predator’ on Twitter.
Vivian Kubrick, the daughter of The Shining director Stanley Kubrick, also condemned the’shameful’ episode in an open letter.
According to Kubrick, “this is purely a form of lurid and exploitative entertainment – it’s appalling cruel.”
Duvall herself has voiced remorse over starring on the show, telling The Hollywood Reporter in 2021: “I found out the kind of person he is the hard way.”
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