According to a paper posted on Monday, BSA, a digital advocacy group supported in part by Microsoft, is pushing for guidelines controlling the use of artificial intelligence in national privacy legislation.
Business software providers including Adobe, IBM, and Oracle are represented by BSA. Due to their recent investment in OpenAI, the maker of the generative AI chatbot ChatGPT, Microsoft is one of the leaders in AI. Google, however, is not a member and is currently the other major American competitor in sophisticated AI.
Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader and a Democrat from New York, has voiced interest in and urgency regarding the need for legislation to keep up with the rapid advancement of AI technology, which has prompted the drive.
The group is promoting the following four crucial safeguards:
Congress should provide precise guidelines for when businesses must assess the designs or effects of AI.
When AI is used to make “consequential decisions,” which Congress should also define, those regulations should take effect.
A current federal agency should be assigned by Congress to examine corporate certifications of compliance with the laws.

Companies should be obligated to create high-risk AI risk management plans.
Craig Albright, vice president of U.S. government affairs at BSA, stated, “We’re an industry association that wants Congress to enact this legislation. “As a result, we’re attempting to raise awareness of this possibility. We believe it hasn’t received the attention it could or ought to.
Albright added, “It’s not meant to be the answer to every question about artificial intelligence, but it’s an important answer to an important question about artificial intelligence that Congress can get done.
The movement to put limits on the technology has escalated with the appearance of easily usable advanced AI technologies like ChatGPT. Although the United States has developed a framework for voluntary risk management, many supporters have pushed for even tougher safeguards. In the interim, Europe is striving to complete the AI Act, which would include safeguards for high-risk AI.
Albright stated that as Europe and China go forward with frameworks to control and promote new technologies, U.S. authorities must consider if digital transformation is “an important part of an economic agenda.”
“If it is, we should have a national agenda for digital transformation,” he added, adding that this agenda should include AI regulations, international privacy standards, and strong cybersecurity requirements.
The group argued that the American Data Privacy and Protection Act, the bipartisan privacy bill that emerged from the House Energy and Commerce Committee last Congress, is the appropriate vehicle for new AI regulations in a message presenting recommendations for Congress, which BSA shared with CNBC. BSA asserted that the measure already contains the ideal foundation for the kind of national AI guardrails the government should erect, despite the fact that it still has a long way to go before becoming law.

BSA expects that the ADPPA will include new wording governing AI when it is revived, as many believe will happen. According to Albright, the organization has spoken with the House Energy and Commerce Committee about their recommendations, and the committee has kept a “open door” to a variety of viewpoints.
Requests for response from a member of the House E&C were not immediately answered.
Albright noted that passing any piece of legislation is a significant lift, even though ADPPA still faces challenges.
“This is available, we’re saying. Bipartisan cooperation is possible on this issue, according to Albright. Therefore, we expect that this will be included in any legislation that is passed.
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