Leaving the subtitles on while you “Netflix and chill” has become all too typical due to the growing popularity of Netflix, Hulu, and all the other streaming platforms.
I firmly recall hating subtitles during the DVD era since they disrupted my movie or show. But now, I’d be lost without them. With subtitles, I’m sure I won’t miss anything even if someone is talking too loudly, there is construction outside, or the baby won’t stop wailing.
Many people, like me, rely on subtitles to enjoy their favorite television shows and motion pictures, but what if you could subtitle your everyday discussions so that you would never miss a thing again? Such a development could significantly enhance daily interactions for the deaf and hard of hearing.
A brand-new business has created a ground-breaking method to enable hearing-impaired and deaf people to take part in live chats. Dan Scarfe, the company’s founder, was inspired to create XRAI after seeing how difficult it was for his 97-year-old grandfather to listen and interact with the family. He constantly watches TV with subtitles, said Scarfe. Why can’t we transcribe everything?
The concept led to the creation of an augmented reality app (available exclusively on Android at the moment), which enables individuals view conversations taking place all around them.

These glasses can record conversations as you have them thanks to augmented reality (AR) technology and the creation of the XRAI app.
The mobile device that the glasses are connected to processes and produces closed captions from an audio feed that was obtained by the glasses’ microphone. Nreal software is then used to project the captions into the surrounding environment through the glasses.
We want to subtitle every tiny sigh, soft murmur, and goofy jest, the app developer claims. Whether it is conversing while preparing dinner or the simple pleasure of taking a walk while continuing a conversation without the use of sign language or in-person interaction.
The technology has the potential to change lives, but the transcription—which is based on Amazon’s Alexa transcription service—had trouble with group conversations and needs a calm setting to be as accurate as possible.
Scarfe reassures consumers that the conversation data will only be retained on their devices rather than in the cloud in response to privacy worries regarding Amazon’s smart speakers.

Beyond the limited accuracy and privacy issues with these glasses, the XRAI technology that subtitles your regular encounters may prove to be a distraction and a safety hazard, particularly while you’re out in public.
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