After guitarist Mick Mars filed a lawsuit against the band, claiming he was wrongfully dismissed, the Mötley Crüe civil war has continued to rage.
Mars’ attorneys said in the 29-page lawsuit, which was filed on April 6 in Los Angeles, that the band intended “to fire him as a director of the corporation, to fire him as an officer of the corporation, and to take away his shares of the corporation.”
Mars’ attorney Ed McPherson issued a statement on Saturday saying, “It is beyond sad that, after 41 years together, a band would try to kick out a member who is unable to tour any longer due to a debilitating disease.” Mick has been mistreated for an excessive amount of time.
Mötley Crüe issued a statement on Saturday in reaction to the lawsuit, claiming that the group “did everything to protect” Mars, who during their most recent tour “struggled to remember chords, played the wrong songs, and made constant mistakes which led to his departure from the band.”

Here are the legal issues that have generated the most controversy and what each party has told the media.
Did Mick Mars retire from Mötley Crüe?
Mötley Crüe said in October that Mars, 71, had decided to retire for health-related reasons prior to the lawsuit. Since he was 27, the musician has battled ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory condition that affects the spine.
The group stated, “We have watched Mick manage his ankylosing spondylitis for decades and he has always managed it with the utmost courage and grace.” “The ultimate act of courage is to say ‘enough is enough.
The group announced that it would “carry out Mick’s wish” by going forward with its 2023 tour and replacing guitarist Mars with John 5.
On the other hand, according to Mars’ lawsuit, the guitarist “made it very clear that he was not retiring, and that he would make himself readily available for recording,” residencies in Las Vegas or other places, “and any other band-related activities.”

“An insult,” says Mick Mars of the Mötley Crüe severance package
Mars branded the band’s offer of severance pay in a Variety interview published on April 6 “an insult.” The source claims that Mötley Crüe offered Mars 7.5% of the proceeds from the current tour in exchange for giving up his future stake in the band’s businesses.
“I’m not doing that,” Mars remarked to Variety. The fact that they want to harass me into leaving the band essentially so that the last man standing gets everything just really irritates me.
A 2008 agreement that was signed by every member of Mötley Crüe stated that “in no event shall any resigning shareholder be entitled to receive any monies attributable to live performances (i.e., tours).” Sasha Frid, the band’s representative, mentioned this agreement in a statement on Saturday. The deal also said that if a band member opted to leave, they would receive less money for things like merchandise sales or the use of their likeness.
After the most recent tour, Mick announced his resignation from Mötley Crüe. The band handed Mick a significant remuneration package to recognize his career with the band even though they had no debt to Mick and Mick owed them millions in advances that he did not repay, according to the statement. Mick was coerced by his manager and attorney into filing this unsightly public lawsuit despite his refusal.

Mick Mars charges that Mötley Crüe’s other members don’t perform live.
Mars’ complaint claims the guitarist was the only one who performed live for all of his final tour dates while the other members used recordings. It also details years of legal difficulties and drug abuse involving other band members.
In response, the band claimed that Mars was the one who had trouble performing live.
According to a statement to USA TODAY, “Mötley Crüe always performs its songs live but during the last tour, Mick struggled to remember chords, played the wrong songs, and made constant mistakes which led to his departure from the band.” “The band did everything in their power to protect him, tried to keep these matters private to honor Mick’s legacy and take the high road.”
“Unfortunately, Mick decided to file this lawsuit to disparage the band,” the statement said. The band sympathizes with Mick, wishes him well, and hopes that he can receive better advice from his opportunistic advisors.
Additionally, Mötley Crüe obtained multiple statements from crew members to bolster their assertions that Mars frequently used the incorrect chords, arrangements from other songs, or solos.

What has Nikki Sixx said in regards to the conflict?
Nikki Sixx, the other co-founder of Mötley Crüe, is accused in the lawsuit of “continually gaslighting” Mars and of “telling him that he had some sort of cognitive dysfunction.” Additionally, the lawsuit claims that Sixx frequently informed Mars “that fans were complaining about his playing.”
On April 6, Sixx responded to the uproar in a tweet and included a link to a Variety article about the case.
Sad day for us, he added, “and we don’t deserve this given how many years we’ve been supporting him.” “We continue to wish him well and hope he (finds) attorneys and management who won’t harm him. We cherish you, Mick.
‘Elder abuse’ is alleged by the manager of Mötley Crüe against Mick Mars’ representatives.
In reaction to Variety’s Q&A with Mars, the band’s longtime manager Allen Kovac said in a statement to the publication in a story published Tuesday that Mars “is not the victim.”
Additionally, Kovac said that Mars had made “slanderous” and “false accusations” about the group in an effort “to gain leverage in a smear campaign.”
Not Mick, but rather his representatives, who have advised Mick to say and do hurtful things to the brand he cares so much about, Mötley Crüe, are what bothers me. People are taking advantage of him despite the degenerative sickness he has. Elder abuse is what it’s known as, Kovac said. “Mick hasn’t received unjust treatment. In actuality, he received better treatment than any other member of the band, and they carried him and saved his life.
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