A little joy will always be appreciated by Keanu Reeves.

When Reeves, 58, sat down to speak with PEOPLE for this week’s issue, he was questioned about his final blissful experience.

The performer refers to his 49-year-old lifelong partner and artist Alexandra Grant as “my honey,” adding, “a couple of days ago.” “We were sleeping. We had a connection. We were chuckling, grinning, and laughing. I feel fantastic. Being together was just really pleasant.

Reeves spoke with the publication for One Last Thing: Chapter 4 in more detail while he is presently acting in the new film John Wick: Chapter 4.

I last danced about eight months ago at a friend’s nuptials. I sometimes arrive first and other times I need to be encouraged. Both the music and the individual can be to blame. I simply follow my feelings.

My most recent recurrent dream was a nightmare that was too terrifying to explain. Flying in fantasies is always enjoyable, isn’t it? Just happy I have the opportunity to do it anywhere. It’s truly remarkable.

Related: Keanu Reeves Expresses How Much Lance Reddick’s Death ‘F-king Sucks’

My most recent encounter was a bout of chess. It’s a game with competition. You don’t, in my opinion, approach the board and say, “I hope I lose.” I’m great—yeah, I’m a master—if you don’t know how to perform. And I’m awful if you’re really excellent.

When I last saw the dawn, I was recently traveling in Japan, experiencing some lovely jet lag, and I had the opportunity to see Kyoto’s daybreak. These are constantly interesting. It’s necessary to pause and ask, “Aren’t we glad to be here?”


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