The Holocaust-themed docuseries “The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes” has been acquired by Amazon’s Prime Video. It is now only accessible for streaming in the United States.
The three-part docuseries, produced by MGM Television and SIPUR in collaboration with Kan11, Toluca Pictures, and Alice Communications, exposes Nazi SS member Adolf Eichmann’s audio recordings, which describe his position as one of the major perpetrators of the Holocaust’s “Final Solution.”
It includes 28 hours of taped interviews with Eichmann, which were conducted in 1957 while he was in hiding in Argentina, as well as interviews with Holocaust survivors, important witnesses in the Eichmann trial, historians, and Holocaust experts.

Eichmann confesses to his own involvement in the Holocaust and his position as an architect of the genocide committed against the Jewish population of Europe in the interviews conducted by Nazi journalist William Sassen. The written transcripts of the interviews were sold to Life Magazine and made public when Eichmann was apprehended and transferred to Israel.
The cassettes were a major topic of discussion during Eichmann’s 1961 trial in the District Court of Jerusalem. Chief prosecutor Gideon Hausner presented the transcripts as evidence during that trial, but was unable to play the audio because strong forces wanted to keep the tapes secret. As a result, Eichmann had the chance to deny his involvement in the Holocaust.
The original tapes were recently located in the German National Archives, and permission was given to produce “The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes.”
Written and helmed by Yariv Mozer, “The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes” is a documentary. Along with producer Kobi Sitt, executive producers include Steve Stark (Toluca Pictures), Guilhad Emilio Schenker, Gideon Tadmor, Eldad Koblenz, Tal Fraifeld, Gili Gaon, Michael Peter Schmidt, and Russ McCarroll.

Outside of Israel, MGM distributes the docuseries, which was also produced by Toluca Pictures and Alice Communications in collaboration with Kan11, the nation’s public broadcaster.
Head of Global Television Vernon Sanders stated in a statement: “We’re pleased to work with MGM Television and SIPUR to present The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes to our US Prime Video consumers. This compelling and significant documentary series serves as a reminder that the horrors of the past must never be forgotten.
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