Logan Paul has experienced quite a few controversies recently. For example, he was recently accused of engaging in dubious activities within his CryptoZoo initiative. In truth, Paul intended to sue CoffeeZilla’s inventor for his reporting. Paul made the decision to drop the case, though.
Paul is currently facing criticism for an entirely different circumstance. A pig named Pearl was reportedly saved by Gentle Barn in California, according to TMZ. This pig was discovered close to a dead pig in an abandoned field while it was in severe condition. It was later discovered that Paul had kept Pearl as a pet.

According to the legend, Paul had bought the pig believing it would remain little forever. However, Paul had to find it a new home when he eventually relocated to Puerto Rico. Paul seems to believe that even though the pig was transported to Santa Clarita, the new owner ultimately abandoned the animal.
Logan Paul Speaks
Paul praised Gentle Barn for housing the pig in an email after learning this information. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the charity and mentioned how much he missed his previous pet.
Unfortunately for Logan, not everyone agreed with his statements. Many people commented that this is a concerning trend among influencers, even though it was proven that Logan hasn’t had the pig for two years. For instance, others said that he ought to have realized the pig wouldn’t remain little indefinitely.
“After the horrible things he pulled in Japan, Logan Paul should have been punted into the sun. Also evil is this. Additionally, I ask people to recognize that there are no little pigs and that they DO NOT EXIST! They won’t stay that small, a Twitter user declared. Another person remarked, “Influencers ought to quit buying animals merely to discard them when they can’t farm them with enough ‘clout.'”
Overall, the scenario is upsetting since you never want to see an animal in such bad shape. But for the time being, it’s unclear who exactly is to blame.
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