Concerns have been raised about how Aaron Hernandez’s fiancée is spending money from the late NFL player’s trust fund that was meant for the couple’s 10-year-old kid.

A court-appointed trustee received an invoice for reimbursement from the trust fund that Shayanna Jenkins-legal Hernandez’s team submitted, claiming the costs were for daughter Avielle. In response to the move, trustee David Schwartz, an attorney, objected to the demand.

According to the documents obtained by a source, “Large sums of money are spent under each area of the Accountings, with little clear explanation of how these payments help Avielle.”

The letter claims that while “the Trustee realizes that providing for Avielle includes expenses relating to her household,” the use of her late father’s NFL pension and Social Security benefits “merits examination for their reasonableness, if not correctness.”

The lawsuit continues to provide examples of the disputed expenses, such as $17,000 spent on clothing, $10,000 on entertainment and online shopping, tens of thousands on “self-care,” and $12,000 at HomeGoods.

A post shared by Shayanna Jenkins – Hernandez (@shayjhernandez)

Jenkins-Hernandez requested $10,000 from the trust in September to pay for Avielle’s competitive dancing classes, which is when the two parties first came into conflict. Schwartz rejected the request and then sought that Jenkins-Hernandez be removed as the child’s conservator, citing the roughly $150,000 in money given to her annually to pay for Avielle’s living needs.

The mother of two, who delivered a second daughter in 2018, has also asked that Schwartz be changed as trustee, claiming that the lawyer is preventing Avielle from engaging in her passion.

Schwartz’s legal team argues that there is “every reason to question whether and how the Conservator is applying the significant resources that should be available to pay for Avielle’s daily needs, including dance lessons.” This is especially true considering that the Trust covers all of Avielle’s educational costs and basic housing security.

Before his legal issues, Hernandez and Jenkins-Hernandez dated for a number of years. Odin Lloyd, a guy dating Jenkins-sister, Hernandez’s was killed in 2013, and Hernandez, a former tight end for the New England Patriots, was arrested for the crime. He was charged in connection with the fatal drive-by shootings of Safiro Teixeira Furtado and Daniel Jorge Correia de Abreu as he awaited trial.

He was found guilty of killing Lloyd and given a life term in jail. In April 2017, he was proved innocent of the double homicide, but just a few days later, he committed suicide in his cell. He was 27.


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