Sen. Danny Burgess, a Republican from the state of Florida, has proposed requiring social media safety education in Florida schools.

Burgess is reintroducing a bill that will educate students about the dangers of social media.

“It’s about safeguarding children. It aims to make kids aware that what they do now could live on long after they upload it “said Burgess.

His most recent proposal, filed on Thursday, is nearly a carbon copy of a law he introduced during the previous session of the Florida Legislature and had support from both parties. In committee, that bill was deadlocked. When the Legislature convenes for a new session in March, the current plan will be taken into consideration.

Senate Bill 52 mandates that the state’s education department create a curriculum on the subject and make available online teaching resources for parents to view.

It would be the first time the state mandated that such a concept be taught in public schools if it were to be adopted.

In the bill, social media is defined as “a form of interactive electronic communication through an Internet website or application by which a user creates a service-specific identifying user profile to connect with other users of the Internet website or application for the purpose of communicating and sharing information, ideas, news, stories, opinions, images, videos, and… other content.” The bill does not provide information on potential lesson plans.


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