In a film made for a dying admirer, Johnny Depp resurrected the role of Jack Sparrow.

Depp played Sparrow in a video message created for an 11-year-old child as part of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, demonstrating his “savvy” and utilizing modern technologies.

The movie was created for the youngster who is presently receiving palliative care following many heart surgeries and posted on the Kraken The Box YouTube channel by a young fan going by the name of “Captain Kori.”

So, Captain Kori, I’m so sorry I missed this,” said Depp as Sparrow. “I meant to say it, forgot, didn’t say it, but I’m going to say it now.

“I’m going to say it. I’ve heard people talk about something called a YouTube channel in recent years, which I don’t understand, but why not?

Depp makes a commitment to promote Kori’s channel later in the video, saying that it “will make for a magnificent entertainment expertise brief lapse of connection entirely in one area, but far apart, but then, at the same time, extremely close.” Strange, durable, and curious.


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