Amazon is a company that seems to attract a lot of criticism, which is often justified.
The company has recently come under fire for a documentary that is hosted on its website. Kyrie Irving promoted the documentary in question, which sparked a massive backlash.
Irving was also suspended for sharing the documentary. While many were focused on making Kyrie into a villain, others wanted to see Amazon get some smoke. People were enraged because the company refused to comment on the situation.

Amazon Has Finally Responded
Andy Jassy, the company’s CEO, was recently given the opportunity to speak on the subject. According to The New York Times, Jassy has no plans to remove the documentary. As he explains, Amazon believes that all forms of speech, whether hateful or not, should be permitted on its platform. This is a viewpoint consistent with free speech absolutism, a hotly debated topic these days.
“As a retailer of content to hundreds of millions of customers with a wide range of viewpoints, we have to allow access to those viewpoints, even if they are objectionable — objectionable and contrary to our particular viewpoints,” Jassy explained. “The truth is that we have a large number of positive customer reviews. Customers do a good job of monitoring other people for books that get a lot of attention, especially public attention.”
Amazon’s stance on this issue will undoubtedly irritate some people. However, on the other hand, others will undoubtedly applaud the decision. Ultimately, regardless of which side you are on, the polarization will continue.
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