At this time of year, a lot of schools around the nation are eager to participate in a variety of dress-up days with themes related to homecoming events and team spirit days for football season, not to mention getting into the spirit of the occasion with Halloween costume days. Coming up with original ideas can be difficult for both pupils and parents, but there are a few families who did not experience that difficulty. When parents posted pictures of their kids heading off to school in Steve Harvey costumes, the Family Feud host himself took notice.
I applaud these parents for choosing the always stylish comic as the theme for their kids’ dress-up day. Steve Harvey must have been equally as thrilled because he shared these pupils’ wonderful photos to his Instagram Stories to praise them. Check out this stunning appearance:

I have to give credit to the shoes as well because they truly bring this girl’s Spirit Week outfit together, along with the bald cap and distinctive Steve Harvey mustache. She kept the board game Family Feud with her just in case anyone had any doubts about who she was.

I like how sharp the young man looks in his suit and how the paisley shirt pays homage to the fashion legend. However, I imagine mom and dad might not have a bright orange suit on available, in which case I am ready to give them a pass on. I would have loved to see either of the kids burst out in the more vibrant colors that the host loves so much.
Since he is one of the hardest-working individuals in the entertainment world, who else could be your Career Day inspiration? Steve Harvey is renowned for his hustle; in addition to Family Feud, he also hosts Miss Universe, a national radio program, Judge Steve Harvey, and the Celebrity and African editions of the game show. He has previously said that his early career troubles are what motivated him to take on so many tasks.

The comedian has said that he was homeless when he first entered Hollywood. Even after finding success in his stand-up comedy and acting careers, the comic lost $22 million when his accountant defrauded him. There are undoubtedly a number of lessons to be gained from Steve Harvey that can’t be taught in the classroom. But even if the Family Feud host’s amusing reactions and memorable game show moments were the only reasons these parents were motivated, rather than his motivational tale, I wouldn’t be angry with them.
This Halloween, I’m sure these two parents aren’t the only ones taking inspiration from Steve Harvey’s varied clothing, so I’ll be on the lookout for some stylish trick-or-treaters. In 2023, Judge Steve Harvey will return for a second season on ABC. To find out when he will appear on Family Feud, check your local schedules.