According to Kanye West, his family was “destroyed” by his porn addiction, which he acknowledged having.
In a post on Instagram on Thursday, he began, “Don’t let Kris make you do playboy like she made [Kylie] and Kim do,” posting a screenshot from an advertisement that Victoria Villarroel, Kylie Jenner’s former assistant, had produced earlier that day.
“Hollywood is an enormous brothel.” My family was devastated by pornography. I manage the addiction that Instagram actively encourages. I’m not going to allow it to happen to Chicago and Northy,” he added.
The “Donda” rapper appeared to be referring to Kris Jenner, Kylie Jenner, and his ex-wife Kim Kardashain’s support during their separate Playboy Magazine photo shoots in September 2019 and 2007 under her management.
This was one of the rapper’s several posts on Instagram, where he also attacked his ex-mom-in-law, Hillary Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, and Charlamagne that God, with whom he has previously fought.

Additionally, he said, “Charlemagne the God [sic] and Kris, get your mother-cking popcorn.” His children were going to Donda; they were not going to Sierra Canyon.
North, Saint, Psalm, and Chicago are shared by West and Kardashian. West has previously objected to his four children attending Sierra Canyon in Chatsworth, California.

He included a screenshot of his phone chats in a later article, in which a named individual (perhaps Kardashian) urged him to “stop.”
“No, we need to talk in person, you don’t have a say-so of where the kids go to school. Why do you get to say? Cause you half white?”

She informed him in a subsequent grab that her mother had asked him to “please stop discussing” her name.
You guys don’t have so much control over my black children and where they go to school, Kris seemed to plead with him, adding, “I’m almost 67 years old and I don’t always feel well and this bothers me to no end.”
He told Kardashian to “call your Clinton pals to come to get” him and that “they will not playboy and sex recordings.”
He closed his message with “I’m here.”

The third screenshot of a text conversation from “Monica,” who said she wanted to leave working for OnlyFans and “do fashion consultancy full time,” was also provided by him.
West also uploaded a number of posts in which he criticized Adidas and Gap, two companies he has previously criticized. He first criticized Adidas for deciding how to distribute his Yeezy shoe line without consulting him, and then Gap for allegedly stealing his Yeezy and Balenciaga collections.