He was very clear that he wasn’t looking to create a fight with 6ix9ine, but he was talking about rappers who “are a mask” and aren’t truly themselves.
In order to sell records, musicians have adopted identities throughout music history. These fabricated personalities have been a hit with music enthusiasts as they play into the characters, whether they depict a naive appeal, a sensual vibe, or a dangers-type character. There are many artists today, especially rappers, who actually live the rhymes they write, but we have also seen emcees preach the street life while never having been exposed to such risks.
Logic has gained insider knowledge of the business thanks to his flourishing career in rap, and in a recent interview with Impaulsive, he cited Tekashi 6ix9ine as an example of an artist who employed a false character to increase his or her notoriety.
“Ninety-nine f*cking percent of rappers wear masks; it isn’t who they are in real life. Logic cited Tekashi 6ix9ine as an excellent illustration.
He continued, “It’s extremely clear that he puts on this persona, especially if you judge based on what he stated in court. I’m not attempting to provoke a conflict with 6ix9ine! I’m just utilizing the fact that some rappers out there are more concerned with persona and personification as an example to demonstrate how it doesn’t matter if people insult their music since they aren’t accurately portraying who they are on the track.
“Me, I’m out here talking about changing my son’s diapers and stuff, so if you call that crazy or you call all this other stuff, that’s hard,” the speaker said.
Check out Logic’s full appearance on Impaulsive as well as the footage below.
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