Here are only a handful of Radiant TV’s top Horror movies to watch for free!
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1. Give It Up
Four struggling college girls, who get caught up robbing some of the biggest drug dealers in town…just to pay the bills. When their plan backfires and no plan B to lean on, what will the girls do?

2. Shadow Of Crime
Charles and Raymond are sent to Detroit to hit a mob boss. Raymond makes a mistake when the briefcase he’s asked to bring back to the New Jersey MAFIA DON is robbed by Eric and Greg two trench coat, ski mask, wearing out of work auto workers turned vigilante robbers.

3. Three Bad Men
Three outlaws on their way across state lines after a bank robbery, decide to fufill a dying man’s wish. Save his wife from notorious outlaw Dutch Henry. A wish that might get them killed.

4. In The Cage
Marvin Fields is caught up with challenges and obstacles. On the verge of losing his family, he has to step up and face his adversaries. Marvin tries different avenues to help eliminate these difficulties, but his efforts are futile. Now, he decides to take desperate measures in saving his family and finances. When hell breaks loose and nothing seems to work, a true character is revealed through Marvin. Later on, Marvin discovers martial arts through his best friend Frank Biggs. This martial art will help Marvin find himself again and give him a sense of purpose. As he continues to search deeper his new found art, his troubles aren’t stagnant. Marvin still has to wake up and face the demons of his life. Marvin has got to get his life out of this never diminishing cage and find freedom. In the meantime, Claire Fields (Marvin’s wife) is fed up and tired of supporting the family. Marvin’s cage seems invisible to Claire, and this continues to trigger his frustration. In the end, true love and friendship will be revealed and seem to help break down the barriers around this mysterious cage.

5. Warning No Trespassing
Sheriff Pat is hunting a killer who is gearing up the volume of his victims. The mayor is threatening to bring in the Natl Guard. A drug dealer muddies the pool of suspects and involves the CIA.