In reaction to a recent Saturday Night Live skit criticizing films with long running hours, Netflix has created a new search category devoted to “Short-Ass Movies.”

Pete Davidson, Gunna, Chris Redd, and Simon Rex collaborated on the comedy song, which criticizes films with runtimes longer than 100 minutes as being unfit for late-night viewing.

Davidson says he can’t handle any more long movies because he’s “a simple man with no attention span,” citing films like The Batman, Amadeus, Heat, and Once Upon A Time In America for their lengthy runtimes.

Netflix responded to the video on social media this week (April 4) with the message “Good idea” and a link to the newly created Short-Ass Movies category, which includes titles that meet the SNL sketch’s requirement of “an extremely short movie, like at most one hour 40.”

Davidson also makes a joke about the length of his own film, The King Of Staten Island, which runs for 2 hours and 17 minutes. “But,” he claims, “we needed all of those minutes.”

The comedy that inspired the action may be seen below, in which Davidson raps: “Three hours, 47 minutes?” You must be insane, bro/ No thanks, I’m going to watch a short film like Driving Miss Daisy.”

Last weekend’s (April 2) episode of Saturday Night Live included a lot of jokes about Will Smith’s Oscars smack.

In his cold open on Saturday Night Live, host Jerrod Carmichael deconstructed the incident without mentioning Smith, Rock, or the word “slap.”

The usual ‘Fox & Friends’ parody included a call to Donald Trump (played by comedian and actor James Austin Johnson), where he was asked his thoughts on the Oscars incident. “I did see slap. I enjoyed slap,” he said. “I was very impressed by Hitch. Quite an arm on Hitch. I always knew Hitch had an arm.”
