It’s a badge of honor for a competitor on a game show when they can make Steve Harvey laugh out loud or respond in an amusing way.
But what happens when someone can get the host of the style and profiling show to thank God and toss down his question cards before engaging in a delightfully protracted act of silent sex miming, replete with a fake orgasm? That person certainly merits a spot at the table among illustrious game show competitors like Jeopardyhighest-earning !’s players, and presumably that’s what transpired after such a bizarre incident occurred during a recent episode. Even if my man Chris didn’t win millions of dollars, his efforts went above such finite standards.
When you see the video below, you might assume that the family-oriented candidate Chris said something outrageous or fully R-rated to cause Steve Harvey to respond physically, but that isn’t even the case. Watch the video below, and if you want to get right to the point, skip to 2 minutes in.
For those who couldn’t watch, the poll question was, “Name a manner a lady is like a roller coaster ride.” The Pittard family had one more opportunity to grab the board and win the game after both families had given some good and bad early responses, with “She’s up and down” being a good response and the utterly ambiguous “Nookie, Steve” being a bad one. Chris, the father of the family, then provided the crucial response by saying:

She left Harvey with just that, and he was immediately amused, probably in part due to the utmost honesty of his response. Given that the Pittards took the points and continued to play Fast Money, he was likely of the opinion that he was giving the most realistic response conceivable. But when the respected Family Feud host enthusiastically backed Chris’ guess, the real win (pun intended) was achieved.
Harvey began his sex-impersonating one-man show by declaring the following:

When Harvey began to spin around and pump his hips, the explosions really began. The performance began with a rather deadpan attitude, but as soon as everyone in the studio started laughing uncontrollably, he increased the ante. (Those shiny AF sneakers added their own flavor.) The stand-up comedian’s exaggerated O-face, which can be seen here forever, then concludes the sex-miming, as it goes.
This is in stark contrast to the last instance on Family Feud when a contestant’s guess was based on the idea that men should be neutered like dogs. That one may cause Steve Harvey to scream incessantly in the future.
Check video Steve Harvey laughing out loud when comedian Moshe Kasher responded to a question about inappropriate Santa Claus behavior because one good laugh deserves another.
The next episode of Celebrity Family Feud, which airs on Sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. ET, will have NFLPA players competing against their mothers and the Holey Moley team competing against Kimberly Williams-Paisley. Family Feud airs during the week in syndication. See which new and returning series will soon bring roller coaster thrills to the small screen by visiting our 2022 TV debut schedule.