People are already destroying their television screens while playing Nintendo Switch Sports just three days after it was released on April 29.
Twitch broadcaster 63man was playing Doubles Tennis in the game when he unexpectedly flung his Joy-Con across the room and into his television screen, as spotted by GGRecon. Then 63man turned his camera around to reveal his screen, which wasn’t pretty.
If you’re experiencing a sensation of déjà vu, it’s probably because you’re recalling the launching of Wii Sports on the Nintendo Wii in 2006, and Nintendo’s advise was the same then as it is now: wear your wrist strap.
Indeed, Nintendo customer service has repeatedly reminded customers to wear the wrist strap while playing, as can be seen in the tweet below.
Andy Brown said: “Whether you’re battering hapless bots in chambara or wielding a tennis racket like an extension of your arm, controls are crisp and interactive enough for everything to feel satisfying.”
Brown did discover, however, that not all of the sports minigames were created equal, with volleyball standing out as the poorest single-player offering: “This one also feels like the game’s weakest single-player offering… “It’s still a rather lackluster – and floundering – version of tennis.”
He also mentioned that golf is not available right away, and that users will have to wait for it to be released as part of a title update.