The legendary album Thriller, released by the undeniable King of Pop, was released on November 30, 1982.
It follows that the release of Thriller 40, a documentary that highlights and describes Michael Jackson’s creative achievements, coincided with an increase in his streaming figures.
The December 2nd Showtime debut of Thriller 40 delves deeply into Michael Jackson’s music and his immense influence on the music industry, but it doesn’t get as deeply into the nuanced aspects of his personal life.
Undoubtedly, Michael Jackson’s most influential record to date is Thriller.
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Renowned music producer Quincy Jones produced the album. Which is regarded as a work of art that changed culture and was made by Jones and Michael Jackson.
In the present, three of Jackson’s albums gradually rose to the top of Billboard’s Top R&B Albums chart as recently as last week. Remember that there are only 25 spots available on the coveted leaderboard. Thriller peaked at No. 6 during the week ending on December 2. As anticipated given the promotion of the documentary and other widely reported hype, according to Luminate.
Thriller appears to be a timeless masterpiece. Learning about the inspiration behind the work of art is reinvigorating our enthusiasm for one of Michael Jackson’s best works.
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